Why the Nissan GTR is the LeBron James of Sportscars

- The GTR had a claimed initial run at the Nurburgring of 7.26 – making it the 2nd fastest production car around the Ring at the time.
- LeBron won rookie of the year in 2003, with averages of 21 points, 6 assists and 5 rebounds.
- The GTR ran an incredible 3.2 0-60 time with launch control.
- LeBron was the youngest player to score 40 points in an NBA game.

- That initial run of the GTR on the Ring was provided by Nissan themselves - subsequent tests times were over 30 seconds slower.
- LeBron coined his own nickname of “King James” during high school
- The GTR warranty initially didn’t include launch mode 0-60 runs
- LeBron was named in a story by Sports Illustrated as the “most over hyped basketball player ever”

- The GTR is a Nissan. Not quite known for exotics as Ferrari and Lamborghini are.
- LeBron is an athletic masterpiece, he’d be great at any sport – but this is simply the result of heredity and DNA, not particular to basketball skills.
- The GTR isn’t particularly striking – it doesn’t have those “exotic” lines or presence…oh and it seats 4.
- LeBron is simply a bullish big guy, practically playing amongst athletes with lesser physiques.