The show within the show, SEMA also provides a dedicated area for exhibitors to display the latest and greatest products for any curious buyers or media personal to get a quick look at. At the New Product Showcase, they even provide a scanning device so you can scan the product and get instant information on it as well as where you can find it on the showroom floor and talk to the company face-to-face.
Here is a quick rundown of the new products that caught my eye.
1. SmartNav 5 by App-Tronics LLC2. Groove Glove by Tire Profiles-TreadSpec3. AMP RESEARCH PowerStep XL by Lund International4. Street LCD Dash by Auto Meter5. NRG Flat Bottom Carbon Fiber Steering Wheel by NRG Innovations
And there you have it, my top 5 new products at the New Product Showcase.