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The Chronicles: Tokyo Night Meet

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There's always this air of mysticism that comes from every great trip to Japan. We usually go to experience car culture and it really is something that every car enthusiast should experience at least once in their lifetime. It's a beautiful place with an extravagance that only Japan can offer. Car culture is alive and well in the Land of the Rising Sun. As the community has progressed over time, so has the diversity of styles. Many of our automotive influences in America originated from Japan and over the last 10 years, their country has seen an influx of American or "USDM" style. Now Japanese car enthusiasts want to see what we're doing here in the States and they try to emulate that style while also putting their own unique twist on it.

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I always try to capture and absorb as much of Japanese car culture whenever I visit, so this year, I decided to organize a meeting of the minds with a couple of friends. Timed with Tokyo Auto Salon, we hosted a meet at the Tokyo Bay Aqualine at a parking structure large enough to host enthusiasts with a backdrop of the ocean to help provide a calm setting, which was contrasted by the loud exhaust notes of modified vehicles present. We weren't sure who or what would show up but it all went off without a hitch. It was an extremely diverse turnout with traditional Japanese style and USDM/JDM influence together in one place.

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Japan's an incredible place. Those of you who've been understand, those of you who haven't should definitely make that journey. I promise it won't be your last.

Check out The Chronicles Tokyo Night Meet LiveAt feed to get a feel for the event as it happened!


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