Spectator Safety: Races and Wheeling
"Why was he standing there?" Is all I could help but think as people stood by and watched as a handful of men and women worked on a man that lay motionless on the ground just feet from the race track. Minutes before, my race radio had alerted me that a spectator had been hit by a race car while attempting to take a photo on the hot course. The worst had happened, and even with the quick response from so many in the pits and audience, this man lost his life. The driver hadn't lost control, he was well within the marked race course - and the race course was marked and taped off for spectators. Poor judgement and simply underestimating the danger when around powerful off-road vehicles was the culprit. If you're planning on attending any off-road or rally races, or doing these activities recreationally, please read along with these spectator safety tips and remain aware of your safety at all times.