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Petersen Automotive Museum Oktoberfest Cruise-In [Gallery]

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The Petersen puts on some of the best car meets and cruise-ins I've been to, and I've been to many, many car shows in my young life. Not to knock any of the other great groups and meets I have attended, but there’s just a more solid feeling of camaraderie between even complete strangers at the Petersen. This early Sunday morning was no different at the Petersen Oktoberfest Cruise-in.

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Each new event brings with it a host of new vehicles to learn about and drool over, all with their own styles, decals, and histories to learn and enjoy. For example, a whole row of Porsches along the outer wall carried the marks and grime of hard driving and enjoyment from their owners, their histories written across their livery-laden body panels. These and the many other seasoned automotive veterans presented a welcome departure from the constantly evolving new trends and models nowadays.

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The theme for this particular cruise-in was region-specific, rather than a marque or era-specific. The small get together on top of the Petersen's parking structure included cars from Germany, Italy, Britain, Japan, and the US. In fact (spoiler alert) the Best in Show went to a small pumpkin-esque Honda Z600 that had been found and rescued via crane from a rooftop before being restored to showroom fit and finish.

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I hope you enjoy this gallery from the Petersen Oktoberfest Cruise-in half as much as I enjoyed attending. Always a great host, make sure to stay tuned to for more from the Petersen!

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