Mama Says: The Bronco is LA's Latest Status Car
In the embarrassment of riches that is the LA automotive scene, there is always one "anti-status car" that becomes the latest "status car". It's the car that says, "I’m not participating in this ridiculous competition, I'm opting out." And by doing so, they make themselves and their vehicle even hotter. For a while it was the Toyota Prius. Every celebrity, their agent, and even the paparazzi that chased them drove a Prius. Then it was the Tesla - no matter how many caught on fire, LA's elite had to have them. But now, the Ford Bronco is having its day in the sun. When I first moved to LA, my boyfriend drove a Bronco. He was a gorgeous, blond, tan surf instructor so it didn’t matter if he was seen in OJ’s getaway car. His stinky Bronco, populated mainly by moldy wetsuits and Double-Double wrappers looked like this: