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Kustom From Japan: Border's Inc [VIDEO]

Operating a shop that specializes in only one specific model of custom car is a risky proposition. But Border’s Inc  has carved themselves a niche in producing high quality kustom Mercurys, or ‘Mercs’ of the iconic 1949-51 vintage. The colorful shop also blends a close relative of the custom hot rod scene from California, surfing. The storefront features several custom surfboards, many from Tyler Surfboards in El Segundo, as well as artwork and photos from their travels. The shop opened not too long after Mooneyes and Paradise Road in 1989, a sign of the initial wave of Japanese custom shops that helped form the scene today. The name came from a comic book series that the pair, Kato and Ueno grew up reading. To best way to explain the vibe and style of the shop is Surf & Kustom, and that title can be seen throughout and fits the shop to a "T."

"Kustom From Japan" is a 7-part series, watch the next one.

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