5 Modern Garage Essentials
For most enthusiasts, the garage is our home away from home, or man cave as some like to call it - it's where our car "sleeps", we spend a good amount of time tinkering in there, and when our significant others think we're spending too much time there, WE end up sleeping in there! Why not create the best environment you can, right? Aside from the copius amounts of necessary tools, a requirement for any car project, these are 5 modern “must haves” in my book, essential to the ultimate garage. Keep in mind, I tend to be a little on the more is better side…
1. Flooring
Besides the cars, flooring is what most people notice first. It’s what you end up laying on if you’re wrenching a lot, it can make your garage look bigger or smaller, and most likely it'll take a beating from dropped tools and fluid spills. Rather than just work with the standard cement, the two most common types of garage flooring are Race Deck or Epoxy.

2. Parking Aids
If you’ve got a tennis ball on a string to tell you when to stop, I can’t hate on that – my parents had that for years, but it doesn't exactly scream high-tech! What if I told you for $19.99 you could have something just as reliable that DOESN’T look like you’re practicing for Wimbledon when your garage is open?
3. Entertaiment
This is purely for those that are hanging out in the garage with you, or for those who just love spending as much time as possible out there. Especially if you’ve got an all day project with friends hanging around, it’s always good to have some kind of entertainment available – especially if those people aren't really into hanging out in the garage!

4. Garage Door Tech
Ever had the awful feeling of wondering if your garage is open once you've left the house? It's the worst! If you've got an iPhone or Android phone, this is a SICK addition.

5. Storage
Rather than have all your stuff sitting out, appropriate storage is a MUST. Especially when you start to accumulate bikes and all the other wonderful stuff most people end up storing in the garage. Wall mounted cabinets are the cleanest and really help provide more space by keeping stuff off the garage floor.