You've Been Waiting: SEMA Show Models
We all know you guys have been waiting for this one. TRUTH: I fretted over shooting this. I'd initially suggested doing an off-road feature (yes, I was willing to shoot 4x4's), when my Editor asked me to cover some of the ladies instead. I was professional about it- no problem. I've been shooting and writing for over 14 years now, I've had a good amount of requests for model shoots, but I've always turned them down...seriously. Why? It's just not my specialty. Meanwhile I know guys that couldn't shoot a polaroid that would kill to take pics of girls legitimately LOL. SEMA isn't just the "Superbowl" of cars, it's the "Superbowl" of import models...or any models for that matter. All of the "big names" are here (along with some big egos too). So, I strategically chose a few girls who are favorites of my industry friends. Yes, my friends - I'm married with a kid after all (and another on the way!)... I don't look at girls that way anymore! (Hi Honey!)