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Nostalgic Wins at The Race of Gentlemen

the-race-of-gentlemen-2014-torg-51 While life never seems to slow down, if you were in Wildwood, New Jersey this past weekend you would have stepped back-in-time to a celebration of speed that was refreshingly slowed down. The Race of Gentlemen is a vintage motorcycle and auto race that really takes "vintage" seriously. Run on the flat, sandy shores as in the good ol' days - only pre-1935 cars and pre-1948 bikes are invited to run these head-to-head face-offs. Hosted by the Oilers Car & Moto Club, this three-day event transports you back to a time when cars were mechanical, helmets weren't required, and 60mph was a thrill! Browse this gallery for a step back-in-time yourself, but be careful... you might not want to return to modern day. This was the third annual TORG, mark next October for the next! id  24284 If you'd rather see the pictures in video form, we thought of that too...
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